Monday, January 24, 2011

Saint Arnold Texas Wheat welcomes Kevin Bacon

I arrived home to David's always delicious clam chowder and a gift from his office, Google TV. What is that contraption you ask? I'll let Kevin Bacon enlighten you:
 The last beer I brought back from Houston based brewery Saint Arnold is their "Wheat" beer. Now, I originally confused this with a hefeweizen, which it is certainly not and the wheat was so offenced by this generalization that it forced me to drop it tonight. But I have Allstate and I'm in good hands, which caught the bottle. Anywho, I know that all wheat's aren't hefe's, and I realize this fellow is a crystal-weizen, which means it is super light and crisp and what I imagine a cumulonimbus cloud tastes like.

Darth Vader "You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor! Take her away!"
What's also fun about tonight is that we're tasting the Wheat in Hite glasses we stole from Korean BBQ last Friday night and they're the perfect size. Remember kids, sometimes petty larceny does pay. This brew would be refreshing on a summer afternoon, ARMAGEDDON rating.

1 comment:

  1. This is my favorite from our 3:20, I mean 2:30, rendezvous at the St. Arnold's brewery tour.
    - Alikona
