Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Iron Fist Gauntlet Imperial IPA throws down on my ailments

The back label propaganda says that they are 'throwing down the gauntlet" on this 9.5% brew. It's apparently not for the weak hearted and since I've been feeling awfully under the weather all day.
I've traveled two out of the last three weekends and that other weekend I was up till dawn both nights. My traveling has caught up to me and now it's time to ketchup on my sleep and I'm hoping this Imperial IPA will throw down on my the sleeping pill I just took as well as my sic.....zzzzz
Soup, Triscuits, Beer and Kangaroo Ball bottle opener, everything Walker needs to feel better. Fact
As you can see, it pours with a huge head and the carbonation actually plays a distinctive role in this brew. It's a big bodied beer with a subtle, yet sharp grassy bite that's very distinct. It reminds me of the line of Stone IPA's, landing in between their regular IPA and Stone Ruination. The carbonation adds a creaminess to the beer that you don't usually get with an IPA, adding to its uniqueness. They certainly threw down, Donkey Kong style -
I was just looking for a simple video of someone throwing barrels at Donkey Kong, but that was wayyy better. I love the Gauntlet's distinctive hop bite, big body and creaminess. For a company less than a year old with a brewer who's only 21 years old, they keep making rock stars. THE ROCK rating.

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