Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Victory Old Horizontal Barleywine celebrates our 300th beer!

Even though barleywines are one of my favorite styles of brew-ha-ha's, I wasn't aware tonight was our landmark 300th beer at the time of opening the Old Victory. If I had realized, I would've gone with the Lost Abbey Judgment Day or a Quadruple we have stored up. Maybe the Westvleteren Blonde. We'll properly celebrate tomorrow or Friday. Until then, apparently it's the right time to barleywine. 

Old Victory Barleywine is surprisingly bitter, but not from hops, who are the usual suspects. David notes that it tastes malty without being sweet. Eureka, that's why it's bitter. Barleywines usually have a big caramel flavor that join forces with dark fruit and even unusual flavors like tobacco. Here, there is simply a big malt taste that expertly camouflages the whopping 11% alcohol and no residual sweetness.

I have the feeling that the brewers set out to make specifically this style of barleywine, one that hides the alcohol and isn't sweet. But to me this is the anti-barleywine. I enjoy barlreywines like Stone's Old Guardian or even The Bruery's Old Richland, to a lesser extant, that knock you in the teeth. I like barleywines the way I like my women; big, bold and complex with lots of daddy issues. If that sounds like you, call me, wink. This is a very subtle barleywine and although it's a well made beer, the style it's made doesn't appeal to me. ARMAGEDDON rating

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