Thursday, June 30, 2011

Port Brewing Old Viscosity is the finest motor oil I have ever drunk

The Older Viscosity was one of the better beers I've had this year. Rich and complex, it was aged in bourbon barrels for an extended time and the result was mind blowing. The younger brother of the Older Viscosity, simply goes by Old Viscosity and it's a 10% beer aged in oak barrels rather than bourbon. What will the difference be?
This smells like a dark, dank stout with lots of roasted barley. This isn't as syrupy and ridiculous as older viscosity, which is like drinking motor oil - motor oil made by Hershey's and Aunt Jemima's love child-- and I mean LOVE child. The roasted malts are pretty smooth and there's a hint of sweetness as you finish, which rounds out a very rich and dare I say...noble...flavor profile. It is pretty damn bold, I'm amazed they were able to make the Older Viscosity even more badass. This is delicious. BAD BOYS rating
Afterward, David and I met coworker Tiff out at Library Alehouse for a few more out for the BEER!!

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