Friday, September 9, 2011

Stone Levitation arises to the occasion

Last night my brother Warren asked me to be his best man! We've come a long way since this picture, which is my favorite from our childhood. I'll be giving the best man speech in front of nearly 500 people, yikes! I'm for sure going to need some Levitation for that.
This is also the 20th Stone beer of the year and the 2nd to last consecutive beer of the year, 399. It's also my first day of unemployment. My final day in the entertainment industry was yesterday and in a couple weeks I'll be moving to San Francisco and beginning Advertising school! After soaking this in, I realize it's a pretty big day here. Good thing I have a quality Stone with me.

The Levitation is a flavorful 4.4% brown/amber style ale with with a hint of coffee. It has a malty aroma and finishes slightly bitter. I'm not fans of the style but this rises way above. Don't mess with stone and grab a sixer of this for a lazy weekend. TRANSFORMERS rating.

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