Thursday, September 1, 2011

Stone 15th Anniversary Imperial Black IPA is back in black

Another day in Hollywood winds down and I'm languishing in the office waiting for an 8:30 dinner. Wednesday next week, which the Milk is for Babies readers will come to know as "Beer/Day #398," will also be my final day working in the entertainment industry. 2 years at talent agencies, 1.5 year as a director's assistant and 1.5 as a producer's assistant and I'm calling it donzos. Advertising Grad school here I come! I'm alone in the office and feeling a bit wistful, wondering if I'll miss reading scripts and actors and directors. And the answer right now is, not really. But at least I'll still have a ton of fun stories...until I forget them.
Will I ever look at a script and see not a story but a dead tree? Jeez, that's morbid. Maybe it's the imperial (que John Williams Imperial March theme) black IPA from Stone Brewing. Their 15th anniversary beer is balls to the wall; 10.8% alcohol, bold hops and a beer style that is unusual but quickly gaining popularity, the black IPA.
This fella is rich and robust with earthy chocolate flavors and a one-two bitterness punch from the dark roast and hops. The alcohol is well blended with the bitterness. It’s full bodied and a little syrupy, like a very imperial stout, like the Velvet Glove from Iron Fist. Or it could just be that the beer is not very cold. The freezers suck here...
Well, at least mine don't want me to be the Keymaster. None of the beer's elements, as in your face as the dark roast and west coast hops can be, are overwhelming. It is intense though, so people who can't handle big beers, stand clear of the road. However, if you know Stone, you know that they're unapologetic in this regard. If you love the brashness and boldness of Stone Ruination, Arrogant Bastard (and especially Double Bastard), you will want to jump on the highway and say "HIT ME" with this one. It's unique, finely crafted and something to behold. BAD BOYS rating.

There’s a new wave of black IPA’s out there, I’ve tasted several just in the last couple of months, and once last year from Deschutes which was excellent (post). I don't think all IPA lovers will enjoy them, evidenced by David's unwelcoming embrace, but I really enjoy them. The style is tough to pull off but if done correctly, there is such a unique complexity from the roast and hops. I highly recommend trying the next one you see.

Btw, do you think as a father I'll be that weird dad who sings "400 beers on the wall, take one down pass it around, 399 beers on the wall. It was an imperial ipa and the rating was..." to help them sleep? The answer is no, because my future wife or ex-wife, depending on how the cookie crumbles, would kill me. I'll just have to make him read my blog when he's 11.

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