Monday, August 29, 2011

Mikkeller Williamette showcases the fuggle out of that hop

This is my third single hop IPA from Mikkeller but the hop, Willamette, I know very little about. My googling machine conveys that it's similar to the English style Fuggle but is more fruity and has floral notes. So what's the real story?
It's improbable, since most of/allMikkeller's beers are limited production, that he would make six packs of his single hop varitals, but Jebus I wish he would. He has the innate ability to balance the hops and malts to create brews that are delicious and showcase the IPA. He puts together the perfect backing band for the pop star, Willamette. The hop itself is delicious and tasting some light citrus, apple, pear flavors. I wish their was a Single Hop Super Hero who doled out six packs right now. Rrreal bad. TRANSFORMERS rating.

Side story, as I went out on the patio to grab the beer, I was almost past the screen door when something huge caught my eye and gave me a jolt. It's not every day you see a white Praying Mantis!
You have to understand, we are as far away from what you'd call 'nature' as possible in this urban parking lot called Los Angeles. David and I live in Marina del Rey, surrounded by huge apartment complexes, water and boats. Pizza delivery people rarely come down here, let alone insects. So this fella was a very cool surprise for me. Apparently their sightings symbolize the coming of personal growth and inner change. Science would say that because he was 4 inches long but still white, he was seeking a protective place to molt (shed his skin) for the final time, thus becoming green. But as a passive idealist, I will go with the former.

What's even weirder, is that Lindsey and David get home late and coincidently had a captured insect with them. A bee, which they want to "put a leash on" using floss. SOOOMEBODY has been sniffing paint chips. David is a little insulted that I hadn't captured the creature - "they're really rare you know." I'm beginning to feel 7 years old again.

What's with all these insects? Symbolism or are they just getting lost? I was never a kid who collected animals and such, although there was a kid in elementary school, Will, who grew frogs in order to skin their hides. He's a big rig truck driver now, I kid you not. Redneck to the core. Another story I just remembered from an old ex-girlfriend was from her childhood, her family caught a praying mantis and a scorpion and decided to invoke Darwin's Survival of the Fittest. They placed a glass bowl over the two unwilling participants to see which creature came out victorious, gladiator style. The main event was billed "WELCOME TO THE THUNDER DOME." HA. I just wanted to tell that story so I could say that phrase. Mad Max 3 rules. Bye

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