Monday, August 8, 2011

Anderson Valley Poleeko Pale Ale doesn't bring the Cheers out

This will be beer number 368 for those of you notching your bedposts at home, three past the beer every day finale. David and I have split ways at the end of the year. He wants to take a month off and I want to keep going till I hit a nice round number. Saturday and Sunday, I had partners in crime to share my beers with, but today I'm drinking alone. This doesn't present a moral problem, but after coordinating every beer drunk each day for the past year, it's really weird drinking completely solo. Part of this year's glorious experience was bonding with someone over beer, but now I've gone rogue.  I'm without a side kick from here on out and the unfamiliar reality is sinking in.

Doubling the weirdness is a mug from the CHEERS bar which David brought home, and it's sitting on the counter all alone. It's an fitting symbol of the change that happened after beer 365. Wah waaa. So it goes, the drinking most go on!
I've stockpiled single beers from six packs over the last month, readying for this drinking-alone-time. This and the other upcoming Anderson Valley ales were pilfered during a recent bachelor party trip to Tahoe. The Poleeko Pale Ale tastes like a pale ale from the NW might taste like, very malty with citrus elements from the hops. This is a quintessential West Coast Pale Ale, but as it warms, a weird off taste develops which I'm not digging. ARMAGEDDON rating.

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