Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Great Divide Yeti Chocolate Oak Aged Imperial Stout with Cayenne kicks me in the pants

Our third Yeti of the week is considerably different than the first two. Despite having cocoa nibs added to this oak aged imperial stout, the other two we tried were considerably more chocolaty. The major difference, is what isn't on the front of the label, but rather the fine print in the back. Cayenne Pepper was added. Chocolate and spice? I dunno Scooby Doo, looks like a bad idea...

The Cayenne pepper really kicks me in the pants at the end of every sip. The cocoa nibs add a more finished chocolate flavor, but the chocolate flavor overall is more muted, which makes me frown. The cayenne is too much really, I think if they would've used chipotle instead, the flavor wouldn't stick and I wouldn't have an issue. Overall, I don't find this beer in the same league as the original Yeti and the oak aged, they strayed too far from the original here. It's an interesting beer, but not my favorite. ARMAGEDDON rating. 

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