Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mikkeller 10 IPA gets close to a perfect score

I'm still recovering from the 4th o' July weekend and I'm spending the down time making the only dish that would utilize all my left over ingredients from the bbq - meatloaf! 

Hamburger buns, chipotle bbq sauce and 2 lbs of ground beef are almost all I need to make this bad boy. That, combined with Sam Malone and an American style IPA complete the evening.
Clocks in at a 6.9% alcohol and has a fresh grass and piney hop bite that combines with a very light and citrusy body. Rather than the typical hop bombs that Americans love, Mikkeller's IPA's are proving to be subtle characters and rarely do I taste IPA's this light and refreshing. I could describe it as a summer IPA, perfect for a picnic. THE ROCK rating.

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