Sunday, July 17, 2011

Great Divide Yeti Imperial Stout is the first of three Abominable Snowmen

I spent the final Carmageddon day playing with seals while kayaking and beaching it up before joining Nic, AJ and Tiffany to watch the long awaited premiere of the best show on television, Breaking Bad.

I am not kidding. That is not a hyperbole. It is the finest show on television right now. See how I did not use any contractions to further emphasize my point? Sh*t is getting real. Go watch it now.
Love me some Venice sunsets

We're into the home stretch here in our beer every day year and coming off the heels of a 7 day Rogue feast, I'm back home and amp'd for a three day flight of Imperial Stouts from Great Divide.

When I began the blog last year, I was really into IPA's. Midway through the year, I really got into Belgian style beers. As the year closes, I'm dialed in on darker beers such as Stouts, Barleywines and Old Ales. Great Divide has made three editions of their Yeti Imperial Stout - their regular series, one that is oak aged, and a chocolate oak aged series. Can you say, Dank Danker Dankest?! The next three days my tongue will be in the equivalent of Beer Hawaii, sipping on some crazy stouts.

Tonight we're having the original Yeti Imperial Stout. Yeti is the name given by Tibetans for a legendary Abominable Snowman, by the way. The North American counterpart is Bigfoot, which is why you don't see any Snowman in those beef jerky ads.
I am still in awe of big alcoholic stouts that are dark as night and smooth as ice. I plan on trying my hand at an Imperial Stout soon and if it's half as smooth as the Yeti, I'm partying like it's 1999. This beer is so righteous and rich. There is no sign of roasted bitterness. It is thick and viscous with chocolate, coffee and molasses flavors. Even at 75 IBU, the hops are barely noticeable with the embarrassment of riches that is going on in my glass. If the other Yeti's get better than this, I am in for a treat. THE ROCK rating.

Margaritaville happened earlier in the day. I'm pretty sure there's no better way to honor the dedication of the USA women during the World Cup than by imbibing Mexican food and drink, right?
Well, at least it wasn't sake and sushi --


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