Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Rogue Mom's Hefeweizen suggests mothers enjoy spice

One Christmas I received a holiday card from my parents, seen below. I got a good laugh out of it but thought it was weird because our family has never sent out cards. I failed to bring it up with them and the weeks went by.

I finally remembered it and asked them about it. Turns out, they didn't send out the card. My parents and their friends play pranks on each other, and their friends took a picture from a party years ago, got their friend's addresses and sent them out. This makes the card even more hilarious. Gotta love my mom's outfit in this.

This Rogue Hefeweizen is 30 IBU, pretty high for the style and made with ginger and coriander.
Because Rogue made this with their Pac Man yeast, this beer is more similar to an American Wheat than a Hefeweizen, a yeast style that produces banana, cloves and biscuit flavors.

Mom's Hefe is medium bodied and very drinkable, despite being heavily spiced. They tried to mimic the hefeweizen yeast by adding their own spices and they're fairly successful. It's very drinkable but I don't see myself purchasing another bottle sometime soon. ARMAGEDDON rating.

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