Saturday, July 2, 2011

Iron Fist Golden Age can't top Hall & Oates

Every once in a while, a bad apple comes along - a 'corked' wine bottle, a lemon car, the latest carnation of the Hawaii 5-0 televisions show. The beer world is not immune to failure and in pouring Iron Fist's Golden Age, David and I realized that at some point, this beer had crossed over from being a delicious and refreshing treat to something that needed to be poured out.
It's 9.5% alcohol but the only defining characteristic is an overwhelming yeasty flavor. David looked up other reviews and confirmed our suspicion that it was a bad bottle, because this brew had solid reviews and fail to mention yeast. Bad batches happen from time to time. This was especially hard to drink entirely because the yeast flavor Dominated. Yuck. TRANSFORMERS 2 rating. 

But I'm not letting a bad beer get in the way of a good time, because David, Karl and Laura are all going to The Hollywood Bowl to watch Hall & Oates belt out their smooth and easy sounds. Take me away Daryl!

If there is one thing Karl and Laura know how to do, it is picnic the Hollywood Bowl. They brought 5 different kinds of cheese, 4 different kinds of deli meat, baguettes and 2 types of crackers. Combined we had 4 bottles of wine, a bottle of Bruery Mischief and a bottle of port. We picnic'd the hell out of that place.

Here is Maneater, which was the best quality video I took. The saxophone player just kills it and women who loved saxophone players who look like Meatloaf with a pony tail were SWOONING:

Afterward, the Hollywood Orchestra, led by their hilarious conductor, closed the show down playing patriotic tunes with choreographed fireworks. Ahhhmazing. Probably one of the best nights of my year! Lovin it

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