Thursday, July 14, 2011

Rogue John John Hazenult Ale isn't double the fun

I'm home from dinner at Manchego, a BYOB tapas joint on Main Street, and full off of cheese and bacon wrapped dates. David is hard at work on another one of his projects and keeping in theme, we're pouring an experiment from Rogue. Rogue took their Hazelnut Brown Nectar and aged it in spiced rum barrels. How will this compare to the hazelnut ale we had last week?
I spy a Star Destroyer...
John John, thanks to the barrel aging, has really mellowed out hazel nut character and the rum makes the brew seem boozier than the abv says. The regular hazelnut was the first brown ale I have actually enjoyed this year, but the aging has taken a hazelnut ale and made it much similar to a brown ale. Boo. Give me that Original Gangster stuff! THE ISLAND rating

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