Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Hair of the Dog Adam is an Old Ale meant for Don Draper

I'm watching the Lakers game, but it's starting to annoy me because each time Lamar Odom scores, I know that somewhere Rancor known as Kloe is clapping and I strongly dislike her, to put it mildly. For many reasons, but most strongly because I pass this billboard every morning on my commute, and it's just too much at 8am.
People who are famous for no reason+Reality Show+Annoying People+Shirtless shooting guards for basketball team I don't like = everything I hate about this billboard which I see everyday. But it is beer like today's and shows like Mad Men which help me forget these horrible images.
Old Ale is a style of beer which I've read about but never had the privilege to sample. It's a high alcohol beer with a complex full malt body. David is on a flight to Aspen tonight so I'm having this one solo.
The Hair of the Dog Adam has 10% alcohol and is made with an organic pilsner malt and Northwest Hops. Pilsner is an incredibly light and thin grain, and I'm excited to try such a dark beer created using a pilsner base malt. My tongue is no wizard, so I read the label to discover what flavors to expect - chocolate, smoke, leather and figs. That's a hell of a complex profile! I'm stoked now, even though I'm traditionally skeptical of tasting claims made by labels, thanks to my inability to taste what is promoted on a wine label.

But sweet Betty Draper! This brew is complex. They weren't lying to me. I will now admit, these guys are straight shooters, like boy scouts at a urinal. You really taste each flavor advertised and they're all delicious. I've never chewed leather but it's about damn time I've started. Apparently I'm missing out. It's rare to find a beer that's not a barleywine with this complexity. Hair of the Dog Adam is an inspired beer and at $4.50 from Whole Foods, worth every penny. THE ROCK rating.

Don Draper is the shit. Even watching him drink himself to death in the third episode of the first season is inspiring. How can he do that? Recently, I've felt twinges of irritation about essentially forcing myself to drink everyday and the amount of blog entries posted have suffered because of it. But on evenings like tonight, feels damn good to prop your feet up and have a cold one whilst enjoy some 60's schadenfreude. Cheers Donald Draper.

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