Thursday, May 19, 2011

Left Coast Una Mas celebrates the Table of Glory and it's legend

Thora the explorer is still human-sitting David and I and she's currently reclining in front of the Table of Glory.

Lore has it, that this legendary table was discovered in an ancient fraternity house after it collapsed under the weight of a raging roof party. To those that own it, brings great glorious awesomeness. But with great glory, comes great responsibility. Which means you have to check I.D.'s.

No, not really. David and I built the 1500 beer cap table during our senior year of college. The center G embodies two thoughts; the table of glory, and also the name of David's house that year was "Grandma's House," named by one of their first visitors (me) after I walked in and announced that it smelled like an old lady's mansion. That smell didn't last long. It was a legendary year. It was a non-fraternity house and thousands of beers were drunk there. Legendary.
Too bad Thora's name ain't Gertrude
The table itself is nothing but a piece of work. The design was David's. It's a premiere Beer Pong table and is cut into two halves for easy transportation. There is a triangle on each side, Domestic vs. Foreign, and there are designated water cup spots on each side. My added design touch was the F-Zero like power triangles gracing either side of the triangle. There are even Red Stripe cap'd sight-lines near the G that guide a player's bounce (worth two cups in pong if it's made). It took two days in a poorly ventilated garage and a lot of brain cells for David and I to glue the caps down and fasten a plexiglas top to the board. I have never had a worse headache after that experience.

David and I didn't live together than, and I used to drive through Malibu Canyon (20mins each way) late at night during study breaks just to play a round or two of beer pong and shoot the shit around the Table O' Glory. It's a table that holds a lot of history and memories. Unfortunately, one of our friends left it out in the rain and the wood warped (grrrr). It was retired to the museum that is our living room, still full of beauty and dark secrets.

We continue our exploration of the Left Coast beers with Una Mas, a 6.4% amber ale. Not a lover of the ambers (a bit racist I am), and right off there's an off putting bold nutty aroma. But the taste, is actually decent for my least favorite beer. As a beer warms, the body opens up and the flavors come out. This beer is really cold. I should've realized this a long time ago, but I should have all my ambers cold. It'd be so much more enjoyable. Duly noted. ARMAGEDDON rating. 

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