Thursday, May 12, 2011

With Goose Island Pepe Nero and Blue Bell Vanilla Ice Cream, it's an oreo kind of night

I've been looking forward to watching this Office episode, where Dwight takes over as acting manager of the Scranton Branch. Chaos is sure to ensue. I'm also hot on trying the Pepe Nero, not only because it's from famed Chicago brewery Goose Island but because it has a great label and a name I don't understand. Apparently I'm a sucker for exotic, vague beer titles.

Also joining the party is a half-gallon of Blue Bell Ice Cream, a Texas made creation which my mom sent for my birthday in a Styrofoam box filled with dry ice. It's by far the best ice cream I've had in my life and I miss it dearly. It's the shit. Let's see if this beer is.
Oreo, get it?
This beer is real dark, like looking in Satan's Butthole dark. Pepe Nero is a Belgian-style ale and it has that sweet Belgian smell. The body is a mix of Belgian characteristics and dark porter roast. The roast is not chocolate or nut, but actual roast - like a mild coffee.

The surprise ingredient, written in letter so small on the bottle I didn't catch it, is peppercorn. You're reading this and you might be thinking, Walker, you write like someone who's brain been on drugs for the past 10 years, aka, you write like eggs over easy on one of those PSA commercials --> Why didn't you talk about peppercorn when you're talking about the other flavors above? Well, I might respond, because they don't taste like Peppercorns, you ignorant slut. The peppercorns add a very distinct but unsual taste, something along the lines of jerky or leather. It's hard to put my tongue on it (that's what she said).

This beer is well made, crisp, but it's not really tickling my belly. It's not very complex, even with the peppercorn. The bottle looks great though. ARMAGEDDON rating.

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