Friday, May 6, 2011

Marin County Brewing Stout kicks off Aaron's All Denim Party

Tonight kicks off a birthday filled weekend and nothing says P-A-R-T-Y like an All Denim Party. Aaron B, the man with the largest Jewfro in three surrounding counties, is the genius behind the event and is celebrating his birthday tonight.
Berfday kids! Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, because I'm pretty sure that's a nip-slip on the left.
We had a wheat beer from Marin County the other week and it wasn't so tasty. If this one fails as well, my friends Mr. W Turkey and his fruity cousin Caprisun are going to follow the Stout down my gullet.
I take that back, this beer is awesome! It's everything I want in a stout. This has a rich aroma with dark chocolate and nut flavors. It's incredibly well balanced. If you like dark beers, pick this up at Whole Foods. You will be the opposite of disappointed. THE ROCK rating.
That's how we roll
A small part of the whole denim group parties on! Who knew people owned so many denim shirts and vests.
All I can say is, I quickly switched to hard alcohol and sooner rather than later, the party really got started. It was wild.
There is fairly long video somewhere of David and I dancing to WHAM! that will undoubedtly torpedo my political career and mostly likely hurt my friends, after they laughed hard enough to fall down after viewing my incredible dancing. PARTY

I went to sleep closer to sunrise than I planned to, but that was partially due to a 3am beach excursion and that I had to make a yeast starter (brew a small batch of beer for the yeast to grow) around 4am. Now I'll be all set for making beer beer on Sunday. Hell of a birthday weekend kick-off!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great. Keep sharing such posts. At the local LA venue I recently attended a wine tasting event with some of my friends and colleagues and it just turned out to be brilliant. It was my first time attending any wine tasting event but the experience was lovely. You know my friends had forced me to be a part of that.
