Monday, May 30, 2011

Real Brewing Remembers the Alamo, Golden Ale Edition

As I head to the airport and say goodbye to Houston, mom can't help herself and sends me packing with a grab bag of all things Texan - bbq, texas firecrackers and blueberries...? Two out of three ain't bad. For my ride to the airport, I pour an Alamo golden ale, which I'm excited to try just because it involves the state's biggest landmark, besides the world's largest cowboy boots:
The Golden ale is malty for the style and reminds me of a German bock or an Oktoberfest in that manner. They say it's a velvety on the back and they ain't lying. This isn't a great beer but it's a good drinking beer. TRANSFORMERS rating, worthy of the Alamo. God willing, Michael Bay will one day let it be destroyed by a either a giant robot or a pair of rogue cops on their way back to Miami.

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